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 Composer Catalog Help
Help > Adding a Track >
Adding general information


When adding a track, the first tab you will see is the General Info tab. The only fields that are required are track title, track type, and genre.

Track Title
This is where you would put your track name. (required)

Track Type
Is the track an instrumental or song (it has lyrics)? (required )

Select a genre from the dropdownlist. (required)
The genre list can be administrated at SETUP >> GENRES

Is Registered?

If your track is currently registered to a PRO, select YES

Is Signed?
If your track is signed to a publisher, select YES

Key of Track
Insert the key of your track

Track Length
Insert how long your track is (mm:ss)

Beats Per Minute (BPM)
Insert the beats per minute of the track

Song Status
You can keep track of where you are with song development

Save Button
The save button will allow you to save your track in it's current state

Cancel Button
The cancel button will allow you to exit the form without saving any additions or changes